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Sustainable Wednesday: How to Finance Your School’s Sustainability Initiatives

Published Stephanie Clark on Wednesday, January 31, 2024 9:00 AM

Sustainable Wednesday: How to Finance Your School’s Sustainability Initiatives

Welcome to our latest Sustainable Wednesday article, part of our weekly series where we share insights, tips and tricks to help businesses in international education improve their sustainability practices. 

Implementing eco-friendly initiatives at your school or university can seem daunting, especially when it comes to financing. Luckily, however, there are certain strategies that can help ease the burden on your operating budget. Let’s explore some financial avenues in your journey towards sustainability.

Make the most of incentives and rebates

Many governments offer grants and subsidies for educational institutions undertaking sustainability projects. These can cover a range of initiatives, from installing solar panels to developing green curricula. Utility companies sometimes also offer financial incentives for implementing energy efficiency upgrades. Regularly check for such opportunities on local and national government websites, and look out for incentives from energy providers.

Partner with outside organisations

Charities and non-profits are often eager to invest in sustainability, especially when it comes to educating and empowering student bodies. Businesses seeking to improve their corporate social responsibility (CSR) profile might also be able to help you. These partnerships can provide direct funding, resources, or in-kind contributions for sustainability initiatives. Pursue a partnership by crafting a clear proposal and how your establishment’s mission aligns with theirs.

Engage your local community

Organise a fundraising campaign around your institution’s sustainability goals. Crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe or Kickstarter offer an innovative way to raise small amounts of money from a large number of people online. Hosting a fundraising event can also be an effective way to raise funds and gain community support, particularly for projects with a direct impact on the local environment. Keep the costs down by recruiting staff and students to volunteer their time in organising your fundraising event.

As the world increasingly acknowledges the importance of sustainability, schools have a unique opportunity to lead by example. With some creativity and commitment to your goals, financing eco-friendly initiatives is very achievable, even with the lean budget realities facing most educational institutions today. 

Written by Stephanie Clark

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